History of Macau Urological Association

Before 1973, Urological Clinical practice in Macau was mainly carried out by general surgeons. Since 1973, Dr. Chan U Kai and Dr. Si Chi Ka have successively devoted to the development of Urological care at Macau Kiang Wu Hospital. In 1985, Vitalino Rosado de Carvalho, a urological specialist from Portugal, established the first Urology Surgery unit in the Centro Hospitalar Conde de São Januário in Macau. He laid the foundation for urological treatment and operations in Macau.

On October 18, 2006, the Macau Urological Association (MUA) was officially founded. Dr. Ho Son Fat, Chan Tai Yip and Ian Lap Hong were elected as the first President, Vice-President and Secretary General respectively. MUA became the first Urological professional organization in Macau. With the great effort from Serviços de Saúde de Macau (Macau Health Bureau), Macau medical professions, and its Hong Kong and Chinese counterparts, the Association succeeded in recruiting all urological doctors in Macau as honorary members. That same year, the MUA was delighted in becoming a member of the Urological Association of Asia. In October 2009, the Nursing Chapter of Macau Urological Association was established.

MUA organizes academic meetings every year in order to inspire intellectual exchanges among its members, the Association cooperates periodically with urological organizations from Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou to organize various ‘Research day’, including a ‘Talent Nurturing Scheme’ organized by the Urology Surgery Medical Doctor Training College of Peking University, SIU, AUA, EAU, UAA and CUA. In addition, at least two seminars focusing on special subjects are held each year for practitioners and student doctors. The Association is also committed to support its members in carrying out clinical scientific research as well as publish academic articles and professional reference books

MUA is not only dedicated to its members, but is also actively engaged in civic activities and public education. During the Sichuan earthquakes, MUA donated medical materials twice and financial support once to the disaster areas through the Macau Red Cross. The association also strived to better educate the general public about to raise their awareness of urological diseases. The MUA has set up a display counter in the Macau ‘Science and Life' exhibition and conducted a ‚Survey about Prostate in Macau 2012‛ together with other social organizations.

In October 2012, Dr. Ian Lap Hong, Dr. Chan Tai Yip and Dr. Li Kin were appointed President, Vice-President and Secretary to the third Association committee. Thanks to the full support from Macau government, various sectors of Macau society, local and overseas medical professions, the joint efforts of MUA and its colleagues has bared fruit. After years of growth and development, our team of urological specialists has expanded. We have also improved the quality of urological care in Macau that now meets international standards. The MUA membership has grown to 216 and a group of 24 highly experienced and renowned experts are working as the consultants for the MUA.

MUA promises to work in accordance with the exceptional spirits and traditions of previous MUA committees. By upholding our mission, we strive to foster the highest standard of urological surgical care for Macau citizens. We look forward to a promising future for Macau urological development.

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